Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Decade of Teen

The 90's was an epic era of teenage targeted cartoons, newly defined sports and a new age of intelligence. The media couldn't give a hoot about spunky jocks or flighty bims. Music was in a creative element with acts like the White Stripes and PJ Harvey eye popping the average Joe. Guys were elated to reach a new level on Pokemon on a green or yellow gameboy and the newly credited intellectual females were slapping their knees at the hilarity of Clueless's materialisic leads. Skaters, with shaggy sun bleached hair, backwards baseball caps and baggy jeans smoked weed at skate parks and dreamed of scoring a hefty amount of greens doing the teenage dream, professional skating. Cartoons, specifically aimed at teens were aired on MTV. Bevis and Butthead gave kids a hilarious afternoon moodlifter and Daria attracted teens with a brain full of anything but air or styrophone. These shows related to the hoi polloi of the younger demographic. Teens were making a name for themselves.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Revolution As We've Known

The revolution of social protocal known only as The '60's. In the 1950's a handful of journalists/writers began shocking and stirring up the quintesstial 50's life of Emily Post etiquette, Godfather suits and devout fans of The Donna Reed Show. These writers including Jack Kerouac, Charles Bukowski, Hunter Thompson, Allen Ginsberg, William Burroughs and more. But when the sixies were about music was top dog and the children of entittlemnt (the "suits") were running off to a world of freedom and rock'n'rebel. War was protested, pot became known as the "gateway" drug to all sorts of pill and powders, musicians over dosed, groupies were with the band and snooty, toffee-nosed decorum was the dead horse.

Now the '70's. If you've ever seen Almost Famous that would have to be the perfect representation of '60's journalism amongst 70's rock. Simultaneously with the rock fever, the punk movement was in motion. Punk rockers(who were far from flowers in there hair, might I add) held a cigarette from there lips, clad in leather and chains and dyed their locks a mighty odd colour and styled it into mohawks and crop cuts. Bands like the Ramones, the Clash, Pixies, Nirvana and the Jam bent the metal on stereo speakers. Punks were definitely those of eye fascination.

So those were some pretty heavy revolt bombs. So when is the next one coming?

Yours Protestingly
The Pot Headed Punk
Lucifer BonBon

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


A while back my friend showed me a
picture of this pink haired model, Audrey Kitching.
5 months later and my obsession has grown faster then asbestos in a derelict school bathroom.

Anyway for those Audrey neophytes out there, Audrey Kitching is one of those models that you actually are interested in looking up on So check her out if your a bit of an indie/scene/eccentric/fashion-fan.

Yours Overtly
The Fancy Fan Herself
Lucifer BonBon

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Electrifying Electic Eccentric

Known as the one and most originally only Alison Mosshart, whose onstage performance usurps those most superior to the music industry, intoxicating her audience with her unhackneyed grip on their creative palates. She makes every fans heart skip 2 beats when her voice reaches the peak of a crescendo. Her hypnotic stage trances leave something of desire, quenching the thirst of all who dares to listen with an untaming liquid of pure electricity. Her brain bubbling guitar riffs are like pornography for the ears naming her the number one woman of music.

The Dead Weather's new album Sea of Cowards is scorching! It practically melted my ear drums! Jack White is ever the man of experimentation, liquifying the musical limits and definitely liquifying my knees.

Signed Sincerely
Lucifer BonBon

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Yours Sincerely
The Devil Candy
Lucifer BonBon

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Okay, so the Star Wars series?

I mean, I thought the first three were pretty banana's but then I get to the fourth one and... oh! hell I'll just say it - I hated it more than a prosaic 72 year old science teacher who owns a hefty produce of nasal hair and sprays more saliva than a golf course sprinkler system.

But my main question is where have all the Star Wars nerds gone. And I'm not talking the ones who just know the quotes and play the video games, I mean the ones who have selected character profiles in a filing cabnet, who have more Jabba the Hut paraphernalia than a Star Trek geek can scrounge up on Captain Kirk. This is a serious Lorelai Gilmore "Where have all the anvil's gone" kind of moment.

So I've decided to host an anual 'Star Wars Trilogy Movie Marathon and Debate' and see if these hibernating fans turn up.
Yours sincerely,
The Light Saber Lover
Lucifer BonBon